Marine Luchtvaart Dienst (MLD)

The D.VII’s for the MLD were delivered during 1920. All these D.VII’s were equipped with the BMW IIIa engine and were registered ‘D-20’ to ‘D-39’.


Delivery of factory fresh Fokker D.VII’s. Note the orange roundel.

The MLD was not very pleased with the D.VII’s and in 1925 a modification program was started for the D.VII’s that were still in service. They received a new BMW IV engines of which twenty-five were bougth. Along the new engine, they received a number of other modifications like a retractable radiator under the engine, a more styled cowling, and a headrest behind the cockpit.

The MLD D.VII’s suffered also from a lot of mishaps. Most of the time the damaged aircraft were repaired or re-built using parts made in the MLD workshop. In 1930, a new D.VII was built by the MLD workshop. This became the ‘D-40’. The last MLD D.VII was withdrawn in 1937.

Fokker D.VII jachtvliegtuigen op De Kooy.

MLD Fokker D.VII fighters at ‘De Kooy’ airfield

The MLD Fokker D.VII ‘D-28’ was destined for a Dutch aviation museum and stored. In 1940 it was found by the Germans and propably taken to Germany.

Click on a number of a specific aircraft below to find more information

D-20 (picture) D-21 (picture) D-22 (picture) D-23 (picture)
D-24 (picture) D-25 (picture) D-26 (picture) D-27 (picture)
D-28 (picture) D-29 D-30 D-31
D-32 D-33 D-34 (picture) D-35
D-36 D-37 D-38 D-39